Stuck in the UK because of Covid-19?

Due to the restrictions on travel implemented by many European countries because of the Coronavirus we understand that it must be difficult if you are unable to get home and are facing the prospect of a prolonged and unexpected stay in the UK.

We have helped thousands of clients over the past 14 years move home into the UK from across the world and we have great relationships with estate agents across the UK so we are well placed to help you.

We act quickly to help you find a comfortable ‘home from home’ whilst you are residing here and until it is safe to make alternative plans.

Our services include:

– free telephone conversation for us to understand and quote accurately for your requirements

– setting up property viewings that match your needs quickly

– negotiating a rental offer and tenancy agreement on your behalf, usually on the same day as you have viewed the property

– looking after the tenancy application. We work directly with the property agent to ensure you move happens as quickly as possible

While your living in the UK we can also help you with any legal complications of you or your family staying here during the Coronavirus outbreak. We can also support you with moving your furniture and possessions, set you up with everyday essentials such as gas, electric and water utilities, source a car so you can easily get around and set you up with a doctors surgery and anything else you may need to make your stay in the UK as smooth and stress free as possible.

Our job is to use our expertise of living in the UK to ensure you are happy and settled through what will know will be a challenging period for all of us.

Please note that we are following government guidelines to reduce contagion of the virus by reducing direct customer contact as much as possible. This means that currently our team are unable to accompany you on property viewings but we can assure you that any viewings will meet your requirements and you will be able to gain access to through meeting directly with the property agent. If meeting with a property letting agent is not desirable because of fear of contagion we can organise video viewings of the properties and conference call with the agents to discuss the majority of properties.

We can handle all negotiations for rental properties (minimum term of 6 months), short-term and serviced accommodation in London and anywhere in the UK.


Contact Us

There’s no task too big or small for our dedicated team so if you are planning to relocate, are moving for work or need help finding the right home for you, please get in touch.


Speak to one of our Relocation Agents today either by filling out the contact form, using our live chat or one of the below methods.




Call: +44(0) 203 303 3208

    By admin

    Citrus Relocation, using us will assist you with every aspect of your relocation to London or to the UK. You do not have to search for a relocation consultant to address the different areas of your UK or London relocation. We can help!

    Milton Keynes Web Development